Batman: the Dark Knight Rises is the official title, and was trialed about more than a month before it has been shown, subject and content were not inappropriate. After over one week trial and then sent to the Shanghai film studio dubbing to finish the final step.

So now I get real high quality news, I can be very responsible to tell you, the Dark Knight rises and not cut for a second, especially the plots of villain Bane mask with voice changer are expected to see original, and would be released in the mainland of China, just a little bit later than we expected.

The media and individuals for their own interests, to speculation, in order to more individuals is not on the table to constantly take the only instance, cut cut, not on things speculation, is actually very boring. We pay attention to the new information to know, don't listen to or used.

In addition, the aliens series fans might be miserable, because prior to Prometheus was cut more than fifteen minutes.

The Dark Knight rises in the professional film review website rotten tomatoes harvested from 161 fresh tomato, 24 rotten tomatoes, fresh degree is 87%, 94 percent lower than the Dark Knight, 86 percent higher than Inception. To be sure, even if it is not Nolan's masterpiece, can not go beyond the dark knight, also is extremely wonderful movie.

What's film? In simple terms, it makes dreams. However, in addition to the dream into reality as, sometimes tinged with blood. The United States of America local time on July 20th before dawn, Batman Begins 3: Rise of the Dark Knight in the United States of Colorado, Denver City premiere, the occurrence of malignant shot case, 12 people were killed. Did those people want to mimic villain Bane who is iconic is Bane mask in our mind?

Batman premiere shootings occurred after the United States, fly a flag at half-mast to mourn the victims. But facing an election, frankly, for that matter, the tone is: things will pass. But I always felt, for the movie itself, the matter is not so simple. Not should not go. Dreaming in the movie if in addition to dream, also created the reality, might have to adjust their own time.

In fact, the film caused by cases and more than Batman Begins this one, a website is arrange at least ten cinema events, including the Godfather, X men: the fight to win or die, Matrix and so on. These events include the audience to boycott, conflicting with the film itself, or even unrelated events. But the concern is the Matrix, the film caused by the facts of the crime is the hallmark of the series. Reported that, although the Matrix caused some of the violence did not occur in the cinema, the film series lasting influence, or shocking. In 2003, a 19 year old boy killed his parents, his lawyer says, this is because the teenager of 19 years old that he lives in the Matrix.

Why in the past and clear distinction between reality and dream, now began to blur, appeared even more unable to distinguish dream and reality? This caused the new meaning and the Internet world relations. That's probably the main reason why those cosplay costumes sales are so popular in our world.

Generally speaking, Nolan's version of Catwoman is all about Catwoman movie most like a cat but isn't a cat woman, except by cat possessed the unconventional plot, Nolan put the Catwoman created as an intriguing woman. Although she also like other girl in black appears, but her black leather is not to show off the wild sexy Catwoman, but in order to meet her chameleon like character. Nolan under the lens of her just as a cat symbol, she also is also interesting personality whets Batman life has lost all colors.

However, this woman is not to talk about a love to be struck with fright, her appearances in the mission is for the villain Bain to verify the identity of Bruce Wayne. Then, Batman and Catwoman in you stole my a fingerprint. I save you in a time to kill of such an unequal relationship game gradually warming. In the affection that the relationship between the two step, take her to see her for her behind the boss Bane whose Bane mask is well-known by us, and then fell into Catwoman united Bane hoax, in this trap, Batman completed the original cartoon was only one time is defeated through situational reproduction.

No matter how repeated process, psychological more tangled, never a stranger car Catwoman finally sat on the Batman side, to achieve save brother Gotham City this noble mission, and the phrase it is not the car, this is the plane joke not only broke the story of Hollywood happy ending in the warm, also removes the mysterious Catwoman and doing various conjectures audience between the diaphragm. As the Lust Tang Wei finally said to Tony Leung that go, strained disguise self redemption always make people so carefree.

The famous Hollywood super hero epic adventure Batman: The Dark Knight Rises has been released the 2D and 2DIMAX NTSC. The exposure of Chinese film making, uncover the mysterious veil of magnificent epic. In this special, cast not only to share their character result, also reveal a lot behind the scenes of rare known interesting tidbits.

Bane is an evil, in fact some far-fetched, because Tom Hardy plays Bane is from the outside to the inside. Black through the villain, though Bane design Tom Hadi handsome face almost completely covered up by Bane mask with voice changer, but he is a single by the face and eyes can convey Bane hysterical bad and hide the pain of the strength of the actors, light relies on these two things, is scary enough. Tom on screen bad make one's hair stand on end, the screen he was quite adorable, the first time in dressing room to see Baer in the clothes, Tom Hardy is 3 years old child, look as cheerful as a lark! Batman! People can not help but feel that the villain is a bit too adorable.

With the image of Bane in stark contrast, is slightly east face of young Hollywood icon Joseph Gordon Leavitt, in Batman: Rise of the Dark Knight , he played the role of detective John Brett is justice, in this vanity impetuous world, he can always stick to their ideals, firmly believe that their work is meaningful, Nolan said he is the most dark knight temperament of the Lightbringer, fans said it was one of the most talented, private Joseph, as director, company, understand the investment, ten all-around.

Batman costume has been worn at all kinds of occasions, like at Halloween, community parties, cosplay parties, and it has also accepted by children. Its comic books have been solde all around the world. No matter where you are, you will look like a dynamic superhero when you are in the Batman costume. Whether you like old Batman comics, or Batman movies or mysterious figures created by the Dark Knight movie, it's fun to dress up as the characters.

Batman is a fictional playboy, industrialist and philanthropist Bruce Wayne. Seeking revenge the murder of his parents, Wayne adopted his physical, intellectual and financial strength, a bat, to help restore order in Gotham city. According to the different types of Batman stories you enjoy, the Batman costume style and supporting characters may change. His faithful companion, usually at his side, the Robin costume would make a great choice for friends. Or, if your friend is a bit crazy, he would be better suited to a funny costume.

A period of time before the the Dark Knight Rises shows scene shooting has not yet subsided, another wave of almost coming. According to foreign media reports, the United States of West Lake city in Ohio, the Dark Knight Rises show scene, we found an armed man. Although no casualties, but the police still be arrested, the house on Monday evening to be searched. The beginning of this film has already predicted something, like the vilain Bane mask would be a powerful enermy of Batman.

This incident happened in the United States on Saturday evening at ten Ohio West Lake city some cinema scene, was the manager of a man and his knapsack question. Then, the manager and an off duty police staff to the suspect and backpack searched. The results, they find a gun, bullet and knife. Although there are no shooting time, but the man was subsequently came to the city of West Lake police arrest. The house on a Monday to be searched.

At present, the man's name, his guns to reason and so on relevant information has not yet been police disclosed.

It is reported, the Dark Knight Rises has been identified in August 27th to introduce to China mainland, and extraordinary on the same day released as Spider-man.

Superman believe many readers and audiences are most familiar with Superman 's parents, Jor-El and Lara deliver him to earth, is to save his life and that they have to destroy the planet Krypton (KR planets).

When Superman spaceship will fall on the earth's town of Smallville, was via the Kents found, and took him up. Clark extraterrestrial origin to his powerful abilities, and can absorb the energy of the sun. In order to conceal the identity, Clark in the metropolis Daily Planet work, and met journalist Louise. Once a person is immersed in the crisis, he would dress up in front of people. On the superhuman ability, different time, different versions of the story may have slightly different. But say, Superman collection of various abilities in a body, is a perfect image.

The beginning of " Justice League invited him to join it, he refused, the reason is no time, he later joined, but in an after action, Superman to recognize the ability of other people and their difference is too big, it is difficult to let other players play, not suitable for team cooperation. He decided to temporarily only as honorary members, only when necessary to assist.

Although have no super powers, but Superman don't like violence, always for the peace of the world and selfless dedication, so in thesuperhero character and prestige are quite high, also has become the Justice League delegate character and spiritual leader.

In the Dark Knight Rises, batman has shown his unique and powerful stunt and determination to protect the city, and against the powerful villain Bane and his team.

Fashionable Hollywood annual epic piece Batman: the Dark Knight Rises will visit the line of countrywide each courtyard and the mainland audience. In the man's world, Catwoman with its beautiful appearance and smooth and clean technology of airborne the superhero movie, Batman and Bane mask between the rather ambiguous interaction, the film infuse many female element.

Nolan under the lens of Catwoman, is like a mystery woman. She has a cat like a wasp waist buttocks, like cats and sensitive skill,
though less star temperament, but more hit woman taste. She can both in Batman to death, the brother Gotham City in crisis, can also and Batman fight hand in hand, to turn, turn back the powers of darkness. So can freely walk in between good and evil, Mianwucanshai, no fear, have to say, this strange woman in the world this one does not have a branch. Sometimes, she is a salvation feelings female of Bruce Wayne; some of the time, she is also doing unknown activities female version of bain. She is like a puzzle, you are ready to see her, she has a black go into the night, and then in a casual moment, she became the party that wearing a mask of charming and elegant girl.

The blurred personality is precisely the director Nolan to express, he not only in the classic characters and a high reliability, and easily won the audience favorite character by finding a balance between, but also for the Batman and Bain looking for a spiritual . Batman is an absolute justice to the dark knight, he has his simple justice -- black and white, Bain also has its own simple target, namely brother Gotham City to destroy Batman look. And she this role in the mist, is also evil, her own philosophy, in people's eyes is a concept to her is not to be worth a hair here, so a lot of time her behaviour, in the eyes of others is questioned.

From her subtilely mocking Batman Begins, to arouse a feeling between two people, from a relatively strange point of view, only the charm to reconcile the Catwoman grey temperament. But in the movie, was Catwoman appearance aroused Bruce Wayne silent for eight long years of the feelings of the world, she let Bruce Wayne's life full of color, evoking the Lost Hero survival consciousness, this point of view, Catwoman dark is also taking a dark character batman. Between the two subtle but be just perfect atmosphere of , a hotspot extremely.

Compared to The Avengers in iron man or the Hulk, Nolan's Batman Begins successful Batman into closer to the Greek myth of hero image.

In the final chapter, was forced to retire in 8 years of Batman, and have suffered a lot of pain, his body has a greater than before, in the case of be caught between two fires, Batman faces a disability, and always be trapped in the dilemma of not being understood, so when Bane mask becomes a major threat, probably for the first time in the history the audience for Batman, the fate of concern.

In The Dark Knight Rises, all the plot design is in accordance with the end of the direction of leave no room for, Nolan said, we tried to put all the elements into the film, the interpretation of I want to Batman characters in all aspects. I think this is a complete end, I also hope that resonate with the audience, because the most exciting but is, for the one you put the long story of closing down.

I in the production of the film is to have this feeling, I also sincerely hope that the audience will feel the same. That's entertainment works great, I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to the immortal legend finish. Ghristian Bale and Christopher Nolan had said that this is the last time cooperation Batman, so in order to advance to the end of their plot, make all the audience can see the terrified.

The film's ending, in contrary to expectation.

In the design, The Dark Knight Rises difficult also with step-by-step, move move is the Dark Knight compared to gauge. The Dark Knight is almost in the film the first lens began to dig under the pit, the clown has a dovetail antisocial outlook on the world, the plot is also closely around him no holes in the logic, with Batman ’s self-redemption with cognitive reframing throughout the rhythm to tighten Gong close drum make smooth reading, reading a breathe a sigh of relief. The Dark Knight Rises seem to spend too much energy on other events, in commom; cynical to pave the way for nearly half an hour later, the plot was officially launched, but unfortunately the grand opera in the lead force bighorn fight, even the police counterattack retook the City show code can’t fully developed. Shellfish Batman the Dark Knight Rises Bane Mask  died too soon too suddenly, almost without warning, dead law nor any highlights. Marion Claudia plays Miranda Tate despite the crucial, but due to lack of sufficient matting and makes its transition unconvincing. In The Dark Knight regardless of clown, Gordon or batman, died of loyalty to his faith — this is the film the most touching part, while in the The Dark Knight Rises is very difficult to see a character from first to last stick to their principles. Seems to be to cater to the plot reverses the need, perhaps because of too much luxury lineup, the first two appeared in the third film star almost all return, there are too many perplexing background need to confess. It is the final song of the feast itself is unable to avoid.

Though not as The Dark Knight American, The Dark Knight Rises still than the average Hollywood popcorn movie. In a question the essence of democracy and torture by the nature of good and evil, Nolan focused on the so-called social elite and excessive crazy belief, directed at the real social darkness tension reduction. In addition, Nolan always restrained in balance of scene size, a plurality of climax scene is very beautiful. As Catwoman stealing jewelry gorgeous debut, Annne Hathaway air and dignified image subversion of the former Catwoman sexy style, although she is dressed up as Catwoman. Butler Alfred twice ad touch one deeply in the heart, embarrassed Joseph bridge to face friendly bullet impressive, when Wayne on crutches in former days brilliant underground arms in time, new high-tech equipment brings out a generation of hero ’s decline.
From the day, The Dark Knight Rises can go beyond The Dark Knight, but it is more obvious than before two more powerful powerful visual effects, star-studded luxury lineup and spiritual salvation depth increase, making this film still accomplished the end task, the achievements of a tragedy heroic epic.