From the dead after being killed more than 2 years ago, the United States was resurrected captain comic. Although the family was also closely
protected, American super hero back in July 1st in the five-comic-book series, Captain America.
A big movie miracle of development is expected in 2011. After nearly 60 years of printing, comic killed Steve Rodgers, aka the United States captain,2007, it is one of the most famous and beloved super hero, in a controversial story lines.

He battles, defeated Hitler, Tojo E, the Communist International and host the super villain, but a sniper's bullet cut off the United States captain in 2007, which shocked many of his fans."The response was amazing, " said Tom BREVOORT miracle executive editor. " Of course, like the world crazy forthree days. Everybody has an angle, including the fans who had not seen and loved all the avengers captain america costumes the 30 years of comic. "

In the cartoon series, Rodgers despised the superhero registration act trial after the heroic tragic mistake, leading to the 9 / 11-like events. Marvel Comics story is deliberately written as an allegory of the current practical problems such as the Patriot Act, the war on terrorism and the September 11th.Rodgers finally surrendered to the police. He was later mortally wounded he climbed on the courthouse steps. It is a violent and strange end American heroes and icons.

The main striker, cross -- working under the command of the United States, the captain's old rival, red skull -- caught. The identity of a shooting outof the 600 period, including sales of Monday.Many people believe that the United States captain dead 2007 is the symbolic time. He is now? " The world is now when we are at a point, we must believe that the hero. Someone who can guide the way, " brevoort. " It is the right time. "

The United States of America captain first appeared in 1941, as the United States entered the second world. He is a symbol of the United States of America 's strength and determination to fight against the axis powers.Initially, the creator of the Qiao Ximeng and Jack Kirby, Rodgers is born before the great depression in a very different the United States of america. He disappeared after the war, only to appear in recent comics chronology.Keep the super hero death and burial be not easily won. Even Superman, who was killed in a comic 1993, back to life after a year.

What the United States captain 's assistant, Buck Barnes? After taking the shield and the mission of the United States, the captain in a year of in the past, it is time to give up the mantle. There is room 2 sentinels of liberty? Please look forward to.

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